How To Build a Mobile App That Makes Money

INTRODUCTION Apps make a lot of money. The mobile application development industry comes with a huge potential to earn millions of dollars. However, not every app earns an equal revenue share of the Android and iOS marke. Furthermore, if you’re new to the market, looking to enter it, or have a fresh idea for an app, one […]

15 Principles of Good Web Design

INTRODUCTION A properly designed website should fulfill its intended function by conveying its particular message whilst simultaneously engaging the visitor. Several factors such as consistency, colors, typography, imagery, simplicity and functionality all contribute to good website design. Design is not just something designers do. Design is marketing. Design shows off your product and how it […]

5 Stages of Software Development

INTRODUCTION The Software Development Life Cycle as a collection of rules and practices helps to connect tech, non-tech team members and project stakeholders to transform your exceptional idea into a unique software product or solution. Software product development is a highly organized process with precise procedures and strictly defined steps known as Software Development Life […]

10 Key Steps For Keyword Research

Introduction Keywords are the foundation of SEO (Search Engine Optimization). If no one is searching for what you’re writing about, you won’t get traffic from Google (no matter how hard you try). This guide is intended to teach you how to do in-depth and meaningful SEO keyword research. Good keyword research allows you to discover the terms, […]