Ways to Validate If Your Mobile App Idea Is Good or Bad

The mobile app development industry continues to attract more business owners because they have realized it is one way of promoting their business while at the same time generating revenue. Almost everyone has a smartphone, and they need apps to make their activities easier. Creating a successful mobile app that takes into account users’ needs provides an opportunity for your app to be ahead of its competition. But creating a successful app is not as easy as many developers claiming it to be.

5 Best Ways to Validate Your Mobile App Idea

Most developers have it in their minds that when they build an app automatically users will download and use it. This is a huge mistake that every developer must avoid because you might have built a great app but when there is no demand, your project becomes a failure. App idea validation is the process of gathering feedback from your target audience for whom the app is meant for. This helps you gather information on which app you are supposed to build before you start building it. These are some of the proven ways to validate whether your app idea is going to succeed or not.

Market Research

Thinking of an app idea is just the first step of creating a successful app. Most app developers start to get excited when they get an idea that might generate lots of revenue. Research is important in every industry, especially in the mobile app development industry. Market research helps you identify the trends of mobile technology, what people are willing to download and what they like or dislike in mobile apps. It also helps you know your competition because you will always have competition in one way or the other. 

Competition has both positive and negative impacts on how successful an app will be. For example, you have an idea for a texting app. There are many successful texting apps for mobile users, so this means there’s a lot of competition. The competition helps the developer to find ways of being unique from other mobile apps which will attract users. This same competition can let you give up on the idea because other successful apps are doing what you wanted to do. It is up to the developer to determine how they will use their competition for the development of their app. Through research, you get to know if people will use your app or not. 

Gathering Feedback

Most developers are skeptical when it comes to sharing their app for users to test before the final project is made. This can be helpful for the developer if they want to perfect the app before they allow anyone to use it. It is important to gather feedback as well. You must share your app in the development stage to help you gather the opinions of your target audience. The opinions given can help you identify some errors and it might even give you extra ideas on how to make your app better for the users. If you still have trouble sharing your app with your target audience, you can simply share it with your friends or family.

Creating a Customer Journey Map

Validating an app idea means you need to understand the usability journey of your users. You have to understand how they are going to use your app in every step. If you don’t understand, you can never know whether your idea will work or not. The customer journey map shows how users will interact with your app. It shows the journey of the user from the view of a customer, not a developer. Taking into consideration the user journey plays a key role in helping you finalize the design features of your app.

Create Prototypes

Prototypes are a simple low-budget version of your mobile app. Having a prototype helps you in the validation process. You can show your prototype to investors to check if they are willing to invest in your idea. You can also show it to consumers to check if they will willingly download it to their phone. It is not compulsory to have a prototype if you don’t have the budget to start, but it is essential if you want to validate whether your app will be used by your target audience or not.

When you are done gathering all the information needed, you can start thinking about building your app. If you don’t have investors already, you have to look for investors who have similar beliefs as you. Pitch them your idea, show them the prototype, and try to convince them to invest in your app. If you already have investors, all you have to do now is share all the information gathered with your team. The information gathered will help you and your team decide on some of the best features your app needs to be successful.

About 5280 Software LLC

5280 Software LLC, located in Denver, Colorado is a premier software development firm.  We have worked with a variety of clients over the years.  Our expert team of developers have helped small to medium sized businesses, startups, as well as enterprise level clients such as RingCentral.  If you are looking to build a mobile app, we can deliver flawless apple ios mobile apps as well as android mobile apps.  Our mobile app development agency designs apps for smartphones, ipad and android tablets, wearable such as smart watches, and even smart TVs.

The power of a well-designed app to gain new customers is key in today’s market. Our cutting-edge mobile app development solution is what your business or startup needs! Our developers are adroit with any mobile app development platform you need. We help execute your app development to perfection. If you need the best mobile app development companies, you have found them!

We offer a complete solution with the latest technologies to solve your obstacles and scale your customer base.  From the start of any project (and at every stage, step, phase, and release) we focus on the client and always ask for feedback while we develop the project.  Creating a quality solution for a business or startup is our end goal.  Our strategy and processes are based on solid communication with our clients.  5280 Software LLC is one of the top mobile app development companies in the USA.  We are far better than other mobile app development companies that charge more money for lower quality.

All projects are built according to a clearly defined scope of work.  If you need assistance with scope creation, we offer this as a service. This scope of work will be used in the provided development contract.  Make sure whomever you hire for your project provides you a development contract with clearly defined pricing, development timeline, payment schedule, and deliverables.  We would like to learn about your project and help refine your scope of work.  Our custom website, software, and mobile app development agency is here for you every step of the way.  We are one of the most renowned mobile app development companies in the USA.

If you have an idea for a mobile app, please emails us your full name or company name and we will send you a signed NDA.  We send NDAs to all potential clients to guarantee your ideas and documents will be kept in confidence.  Once an NDA is in place, feel free to book a free discovery call.  You can also fill out our app development questionnaire to share the details of your project before your call.  We are the leading firm specializing in building solutions for the web, iphones and other smart devices including IOT.  Our company can create a custom solution on a variety of platforms using the most current popular programming languages.  Weather it is a cross platform hybrid app or a natively programmed solution, we have you covered!

We look forward to speaking with you about your project.  Learn why clients around the world trust working with 5280 Software LLC.  We support our clients from mockups, sketch, wireframes, and graphic design, development, product launch and ASO when we publish your app, and even code updates at a competitive price point.  Feel free to visit us on our social sites Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, or send us a LinkedIn connection request to learn about our offers to get answers to your questions.  Want to hear firsthand from our previous clients the superior service we offer?  Check out our testimonialsCall us today at 888.510.0833 to learn about our mobile app development services!  You can trust in the best mobile app developers at 5280 Software LLC to design and develop your mobile app to perfection!

Let us turn your idea into reality!

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